TIF×FNS歌謡祭コラボ企画 決勝リアルライブ審査
TIF2024出演アイドルが、今冬の「FNS歌謡祭」出演を目指す!「TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL」と「FNS歌謡祭」によるコラボ企画!
予選、準決勝を勝ち抜いた5組のアイドルが、とっておきの1曲「ONE SONG」を披露し、優勝を目指す!
※決勝リアルライブ審査会場では、電波の環境や諸般の事情により配信を視聴することが出来ない可能性がございます。ご了承ください。 -
Date of the show
Standard ticket
Price 770 JPY (Excluding tax 700 JPY)
• Tickets cannot be refunded for any reason.
• We are a platform offering performers to perform. We are not responsible for the contents of the performance. -
How to watch
1. Register for a free membership of SHOWROOM through SHOWROOM's apps or PC website, and log in to SHOWROOM.
2. Purchase premium live tickets.
3. When the show opens or starts, you will be able to enter the room. Please enter the room as early as possible, as the show could start earlier than scheduled.
4. You can check the rooms from "My Page > Premium Live History".
5. If you are using the mobile app, you can also follow the room and be notified of the start of the show. Please follow the room by going to "View Room Profile" and select follow.
*Once a ticket is purchased in an account, you cannot transfer them to another SHOWROOM account. -
Precautions while watching
• Please check the minimal and recommended system requirements here before viewing shows.
• Internet connection might affect your accessibility even with the recommended system requirements.
• You can only watch this show on 2 devices at one time.