- Level
- Feb 16, 2018 6:00 PM - Mar 2, 2018 11:59 PM
Event contributor ranking by level
To check contributers, click Accomplishment.
Level | Points | List of Goal |
1 | 0 | Event Begins! |
2 | 200000 |
3 | 500000 |
Event Contributor Ranking(Top 100)
Ranking | Contributing Users | Support Points |
1 | けいと | 1653pt |
2 | ぱんだくん | 253pt |
3 | リカりか | 147pt |
4 | ろべっち🌈 | 87pt |
4 | かの さとみ | 87pt |
6 | TAKUTO | 85pt |
7 | MiSA | 62pt |
8 | おさんぽ隊長@イッヌ小屋 | 29pt |
9 | ぷーハニー(みぃーちゃん) | 19pt |
10 | 零(ZEROゼロ) | 11pt |
11 | ゆっこ | 9pt |
12 | 派手髪さくら | 8pt |
13 | ぴーぽー | 0pt |
13 | ゼブラ | 0pt |